Thursday, April 11, 2013

How To Get Nice Lean Abs And Reveal An Awesome Body - Not As Complicated As You May Think

No matter what type of physique you have or how lean you believe you are, your body would not look very spectacular if you do no have nice abs. Most women that have flat toned abs and men that have six pack abs showing in their midsection will have a body that look attractive because splendid abs will make anyone's entire body more stunning.

Even though great abs is a key feature of an attractive physique, a lot of people who are keen on keeping a fit body do not have the right look for their abs.

A major reason so many people do not have eye-catching abs despite making continuous efforts to get it is not because this is extremely difficult to accomplish, it's because people are often misinformed and doing a lot of wrong things in their efforts to get a better-looking midsection.

You Need To Get To A Lower Body Fat percentage To Get Ripped Abs

The key to getting Nice abs is not really by spending all your time on special ab-targeted workouts. It's losing body fat to get to a low body fat percentage that is your pathway to eye-popping abs.

I read this article in the Daily Mail UK site recently, and the article tells the story of a British man who had an accident that break his angle. As a result, he was forced to keep away from doing any exercise or physical activity that would've put too much pressure on his foot for 6 months.

He gained a load of fat around his abdominal area due to his lack of exercise during that period. But even though he was unable to use his foot to do the exercises he wanted, he decided he would do something to get back to a good fitness level.

So what did he do?

with the guidance of a personal trainer, the guy just cut out drinking alcohol from his otherwise healthy diet and took up swimming as his exercise because swimming didn't put as much pressure on his recovering foot.

His routine was to swim for 45 minutes 2 days a week. After just 6 weeks his body transformed from having a rounded midsection bulging with fat to a lean physique with amazing six pack abs.

Focus On Fat-Burning Exercises And Controlling Your Diet To Get The Nice Flat Abs You Want

The story of this determined British man is a perfect example to show that getting flat abs is not really a result of direct ab exercises or the use of special ab workout equipment. You are better able to reveal your abs by eating right and performing effective fat-burning exercises to burn body fat to get down to a low body fat level.

And it's interesting that you probably never looked at swimming as one the most effective type of exercise for burning fat, yet the guy was able to get six pack abs by doing it for less than an hour two times a week and maintaining a healthy diet.

I'm not saying that this exact routine will work in the same way for you, but hopefully you get the idea that the majority of your efforts towards getting awesome abs should be focused on losing body fat.

Swimming is good if you have access to a pool, but jogging and running works fine unless you have a problem with your foot like our guy talked about above.

A highly effective fat-burning program however should include a variety of exercises including cardio, HIIT and strength training.

So What's The use Of Abs Exercises?

Abs exercises such as crunches and leg raises are good for developing the ab muscles which is important to make the abs look more solid and toned, but they won't burn off the fat around your abdominal area that is covering up the abs. The layers of fat have to be burned off in order for the abs to become visible, but ab exercises won't get rid of the fat.

Therefore, if you have been devoted to doing ab exercises trying to get your abs to show up, you may want to drop them for a while and focus on fat-burning exercises and cleaning out your diet of certain foods and drinks, until you get to a low body fat level which will reveal those nice abs you want.

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