Friday, April 26, 2013

A Good Workout For The Shoulders To Get The Wide Shoulder Look

If you want to create the wide shoulder appearance for your body you must choose the right exercises in your shoulder workout that hit the right muscles.

A person's shoulder has three muscles - the front deltoid, the side deltoid, and the rear deltoid. If your aim is to create width of the shoulder it is important to focus your shoulder workout mainly around the side deltoid.

The Exercises in Your Shoulder Workout That Emphasize the Side Deltoid.

In order to really isolate the side deltoids, include plenty of lateral raise variations in your shoulder workout. Many people like starting their shoulder workout with shoulder presses, but I prefer to start my shoulder workout with lateral raises.

When you start your shoulder workout with lateral raises you pre-fatigue your side deltoid muscles. When you hit the shoulder presses, you will completely blast the side deltoid muscles.

When you perform any pressing movements, attempt to keep your elbows to the side of your body. Don't allow your elbows to drift forward, as this will put the emphasis on the front deltoid muscles.

Exercises You Should Avoid in Your Shoulder Workout.

The larger your traps are, the narrower your shoulders will appear. I recommend stop doing all shrugging and upright rows in your shoulder workout.

A wide and square shoulder appearance is accomplished by emphasis on the deltoid muscles during your shoulder workout. In my opinion, big traps give you a rounded shoulder look and create an unattractive physique.

How Many Sets and Reps For The Shoulder Workout.

Your present shoulder development will affect your shoulder workout. In the event that you have small shoulders, I recommend using a high-volume approach to your shoulder workout.

By performing a high volume of work you can increase muscle mass in a specific muscle group. If you have smaller shoulders, you should aim to get a pump in the shoulders during your shoulder workout. This is done by pushing a higher number of reps and less rest in between sets.

I would do 15-20 total sets stick to the 8-12 reps range for shoulders. For people with bigger shoulders I recommend you perform about half of the volume of lifts during a shoulder workout. Aim for 8-10 total sets in your shoulder workout and 5-10 reps per set.

What's The Best Cardio for Your Shoulder Workout?

Cardio is actually one of the most important aspect of a good shoulder workout. Cardio is a key factor for getting that lean and angular look.

The lifts in your shoulder workout will build width in the shoulders, but cardio will give you a smaller waist. Low body fat will emphasize the side delts even further.

Cardio will actually put finishing touches on every body part. It is an important part of your shoulder workout and should be performed year round.

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