Saturday, December 17, 2011

Brad Pitt Physique And Dressing Style In Mr And Mrs Smith Is Captivating

brad pitt picture : brad pitt physique
Brad Pitt who flaunted a very impressive physique in a number of movies such as Fight Club and Troy was also looking splendid in the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

The actor's physique in Fight Club and Troy is a perfect example of the 'Lean Hollywood Look' and he was also looking great in Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

This must have been one of the reasons his present partner Angelina Jolie couldn't resist falling for him even though he was still married to former wife Jennifer Aniston at the time.

Although the pair denied allegations of having an affair during the shooting of the film and while Pitt was still married to Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie later admitted to the New York Times she and Brad Pitt fell in love on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

Also, Judging from the chemistry they displayed in the movie it's clear that there was something more going on between the two.

brad pitt picture : brad and anjelina
The point of bringing up this story is to show that women are greatly attracted to men who have this kind of shape.

Whenever a man possess this type of body he automatically becomes highly in demand to women.

Well, there are other important factors that women will consider too, but the fact is a lean and muscular body could easily captivate the interest of women than any other body type.

If Brad Pitt was fat, thin or overly muscular like a professional bodybuilder maybe Angelina Jolie would have been less interested, considering he was still married.

But I believe it's the lean and muscular physique of Brad Pitt that had her hypnotized.

This is the only program that aims to teach guys how to build their body to look ultra-lean like actors such as Brad Pitt, Bradley Cooper and Christian Bale flaunt in movies.

The program will show you how to build muscle and look well defined by revealing  how to avoid gaining excessive muscle mass in the wrong areas, add dense muscle mass to specific muscle groups and gain muscle without gaining body fat, so the physique that you end up with will look hypnotizing to women.

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