Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Muscle Growth - Getting An Understanding Of How Muscles Grow

Becoming aware of how your muscles develop in size is very important to creating an effective workout.

Lots of people are not aware that two different types of muscle growth exist. Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy is the first kind of muscle growth. Myofibrillar Hypertrophy is the other way a muscle increase in size.

Here is a definition of Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy

This kind of muscle gain is the result of a build up of fluid inside the cells of muscles. Imagine your muscle cells as tiny balloons filled with water.

The muscle grows as the amount of fluid or sarcoplasm builds inside each muscle cell.

In order to get the most muscle growth in the shortest amount of time, you will want to concentrate on muscle growth related to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Further down, this article will talk about how to do this.

Here is a definition of Myofibrillar Hypertrophy

This kind of muscle gain is a result in muscle tissue expansion. This muscle gain does not happen as quickly as the first kind, but will improve how dense and strong a muscle is.

Again, picture balloons filled with water. Myofibrillar growth would equate to the balloon itself becoming thicker.

Instructions on ways to improve the amount of sarcoplasm (fluid) inside muscles:

Do between 6 and 15 reps. The more reps you do, the more fluid that builds up inside the cells. In addition, you want to lift weights so that the muscles get tired.

Do not have a long rest period after reps and sets. You will want every set to be more difficult than the last one.

Instructions on ways to build muscle fibers as you work out

Myofibrillar muscle growth tends to occur when the number of reps is low, and the amount of muscle tension is high. You do not want the muscle to tire.

Take longer rests after sets to make sure you are able to raise the most weight you can during each set. You do not want to be extremely tired, but you do want the tension to be extreme.

Here are errors a lot of people make when trying to achieve muscle growth

The majority of lifters perform a variety of rep ranges throughout one workout. Often, people begin working with 15 reps and go down to 2 or 3 reps all in one workout session.

This tactic presents an issue because the body is not able to reach its maximum ability with a workout like this.

An improved workout would include 2 or 3 months of 6 to 15 reps followed by 2 to 3 months of 2 to 5 reps.

Doing 5 reps is going to benefit you the most

In order to attain some sarcoplasmic muscle growth and some myofibrillar muscle growth at the same time, doing 5 reps will provide you the most benefit.

You aren't going to see rapid muscle growth doing this; however you will get dense muscles without having to follow a complicated plan.

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