Friday, April 13, 2012

6 Beginner Muscle Building Tips For A Complete Beginner Aiming To Build Muscle

We all must start from somewhere. If you're looking to build muscle for the very first time and need information on the procedures involved and guidelines on how to get started this article is for you.

Here are some muscle building tips for complete beginners newly starting out.

Note, if you don't have much knowledge about the various terms used in muscle building and the use of weight training equipment you can learn this easily with a simple Google search. A workout guide like Visual Impact Muscle Building also has lots of information to help beginners get started.

Or, you should bookmark this blog or subscribe because we'll have more articles in the future to help muscle building beginners commence their journey to building their muscular body.
1. Genetics Plays A Role

Genetics traits plays a role in how easily you're able to gain weight and build muscle mass.

For example, a fast metabolism is great for keeping your body slim and trim but may work against you when it comes to putting on muscle mass.

The other way around means you may bulk up with fat very easily when you overeat which can also be disadvantageous. However, there are solutions to both obstacles.

Your diet and workout program will play an essential role in addressing your specific weight gaining situation.

2. Young And First Time Working Out Is An Advantage

If you're in your late teens to middle twenties it's a great age for building muscle, as well as if you've never trained to build muscle before.

However, older people can still build muscle but it may happen a bit slower than people in that age group.

It doesn't matter what age you are, if you're training for the first time you should gain 20 lbs of muscle well with the right workout program.

I know a guy who got ripped for the first time in his 50s and he looks awesome. However, if you're young make use of the advantage now and gain your first pounds of muscle.

3. Benefits Are More Than Good Looks

Most people want to build muscle to look more attractive which is a major benefit but there are other great benefits of building muscle which are also very worthwhile.

When you train to build muscle you become physically stronger, gain increased immunity against sickness and disease, boost your metabolism and get stronger bones.

These are just some of the other benefits of developing a muscular physique.

4. Proper Planning Is Important

It's extremely important to stick to a proper workout plan when aiming to build a muscular body.

Your muscle needs the right rhythm of workouts and rest to grow bigger.

You also need to know the right exercises to do that will create enough stress on the targeted muscle to get results.

5. Getting Proper Nutrition To Build Muscle

You must eat well to build up muscle. You can't build muscle unless you give your body the proper calories to do so.

Choosing a good supplement  can also aid in muscle recovery and repair. Complex carbs and protein must be included into your diet.

It's best to eat lean protein such as eggs, low fat yogurt, and whole grain carbs such as oatmeal and whole-wheat breads.

While eating well is important for building muscle, consuming too much food can also cause you to gain fat which is not good when you're aiming to get a lean and muscular physique.

For that reason, you must avoid over-consumption of calories. You should stick with an average calorie intake as required according to your body type.

It's also important to do cardio in your program to ensure fat gain is kept under control.

6. Lifting Weights To Build Muscle

To build muscle you need to be lifting weights. But it's not just lifting any weights.

You need to be lifting weights as heavy as you can. The more resistance you feel from the lift the better the results you'll get.

 Muscle growth occurs after muscle tissues are broken down with heavy load. Each time the muscle rebuilds itself after a workout it grows a bit bigger.

Therefore, you must be prepared to consistently force your muscle to adapt to heavier weights to see development in your body. You should choose a well structured workout program that'll guide you to build muscle properly and effectively.

However, development in muscle size does not guarantee an attractive body. It's way common to see both men and women build muscle and wind up with a physique that does not look very attractive.

If your aim is to gain a visually stunning body from your muscle building efforts then you must take the right approach to ensure your body looks they way you want it in the end.

Different people aim for different results, but it's undeniable that the eye-catching look is the lean and muscular body that is well ripped and properly toned.

Following advice from a regular bodybuilder, a gym rat or bodybuilding magazines and websites won't guarantee a lean and toned body that looks attractive.

These sources are only concerned with building huge muscles to look like a bodybuilder. They're not focused on how attractive the muscle gained will make the person look.

As a beginner you need a reliable and highly informative guide that will lead you step-by-step to build a lean and muscular body that'll amaze both people who know you and people seeing you for the first time.

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