Saturday, April 21, 2012

How To Lose Fat To The Maximum By Maintaining The Right Intensity Of Your Workout

If you are trying to maximize fat loss or increase the definition of your muscle I suggest you use the methods below.

I usually favour keeping strength training apart from the fat loss part of the workout. It's best to achieve muscle definition using heavy weights and brief strength training at a low volume.

Your muscles will firm up and you will begin to see an improvement in muscle definition this way. Usually, the easiest part of any workout is training for strength.

With any workout program, the calorie burning (fat loss) part is the most intense and difficult. It's best to include an intense fat burning routine into your workout at least 3 times weekly.

You can use whatever method of circuit workout or strategic interval that you want, including HIIT and body weight circuits.

You Won't Gain An "After Effect" Utilizing Low Intensity During A Workout.

Often times, when I'm in the gym, I see persons carrying out a fat loss workout lacking intensity in it. If you are not resting or cooling down for the next part of your workout, walking on a treadmill is useless.

When you do a cardio workout that is low intensity, you are not maximizing the amount of calories you could be burning.

Also Pay Careful Attention To Avoid A Workout That Is Too High In Intensity As Well

You will very likely get caught up resting for longer periods of time when you are finished with your routine, if it is too intense or difficult.

For the most effective fat loss workout, you should be able to go on without extra breaks as if you never worked out at all. If you become overly tired and spend hours sitting down or resting after a workout, your fat loss workout is ineffective.

How Would You Find Out If You Are Working Out With The Right Intensity For Your Fat Loss Routine?

Pay attention to something called the "HGH Flush" I am not sure where this term originated from, but it does serve as a wonderful tool for rating your fat loss workout.

You will know when you reached the HGH flush when you run out of breath, with hot slightly red skin after each workout. Try to remember how hot and out of breath you felt, after the gym teacher had you run lines in junior high.

HGH is a hormone released by your body to burn fat when your metabolism is suddenly increased by heavy activity, like a high energy workout.

Your Comfort Zone Can Also Guide You If You Keep Your Workouts Just Inside It's Limit.

I saw personal trainers push their clients too hard early in a routine, which is a major mistake. I once hired a personal trainer who wanted to "destroy me" with each workout.

That wasn't for me. The ideal workout intensity will help you reach a HGH flush, without leaving you so exhausted that you want a nap.

In regards to workout intensity, I refer to this as the "sweet spot". You can start increasing your intensity as your body adjusts. However, pay close attention and back off a bit if you find yourself overly tired after a workout.

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