I cannot understand why so many people are obsessed with gaining muscle mass, when it is burning body fat and slimming down that gives you an attractive body.
A sexy body is one that looks lean and toned, not overly muscular. So why are so many people focusing their efforts on the wrong part of a good workout.
Lifting Weights is Much More Fun Than Cardio
Lifting weights is more fun than running on a treadmill for 30 minutes, but that doesn't mean it is where you spend the majority of your time.
Everyone enjoys the lifting part of the workout, because it is immediately rewarding. Your muscles instantly look better after just a bit of lifting...cardio is more of a long-term deal.
You don't look that much better after a hard cardio workout...you will see the effects weeks later.
Gaining Muscle is Actually Easier than Getting Toned
Guys in the free-weight room try to give you the impression that lifting is tough. Gaining muscle is actually extremely easy, just lift for a lot of sets and try to get stronger in the 6-12 rep range.
After your workout is done, go home and eat a protein rich meal. Getting toned involves pushing past the pain barrier a bit and expending energy.
Getting Great Muscle Tone Involves Stricter Eating Than Gaining Muscle
When you are trying to gain muscle, you get to pig out a bit. If you are trying to get lean and sexy, you have to avoid a lot of food temptations. Getting toned also involves at least 30 minutes of cardio, which isn't always fun.
Those So Called "Tough" Free-Weight Guys Are Actually Sissies Compared to People Doing Cardio
The ironic thing about guys in the weight room is that they are the ones doing the easy workout. Don't let the obnoxious "macho" behavior and grunting fool you...lifting weights is easy.
You never run out of breath, you get to rest, and it never really hurts like a hardcore cardio workout can.
In a funny way, the hot 25-year-old girl on the exercise bike is tougher than the 240 pound Mongoloid lifter in the free-weight room.
Putting on Too Much Muscle Will Make Your Body Repulsive to the Opposite Sex
The funny thing about excessive muscle mass is that it isn't attractive anyway! I would recommend that people spend 2/3 of their time in the gym on cardio and the other third lifting.
This is the best way to develop an attractive and sexy body. Lifting may be more fun, but burning fat is what is going to make you more attractive. The choice is yours!
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