Monday, January 28, 2013

How Your Body Type Affect Building Muscle And Getting Lean

There are a list of factors that affects how fast and effective you get results when making an effort to build muscle and get lean. Your nutrition, weight training and cardio workout can give different results based on the way you do them.

However, in this article we'll look at how your body type affect building muscle and maintaining a lean body, as well as the recommended approach to take in order to address it correctly to get the right results.

You'll also find out the main characteristics of the 3 different body types so you can know precisely which one you possess and would be working with.

Taking the best approach towards your diet and workout that's most suitable for your specific body type will allow you to gain muscle faster and more properly. Therefore, this piece of information is very important if you want to build a lean and muscular body by taking the right steps that's best for you.

The Main Body Types

There are basically three main body types. They are Endomorph, Ectomorph and Mesomorph. Each body type have different characteristics and reacts to diet and training differently.


Endomorphs have a large frame and retain body fat more easily. They find it most difficult to get rid of body fat because their metabolism rate is very low and they naturally possess a great deal of fat cells. They can build muscle easily from weight training, but due to a high body fat percentage the muscle may not show up enough to give that defined look.

The Best Approach If You Are An Endomorph 

Providing that you are an endomorph and you want a lean and muscular body you will need to focus a great deal of your program on curbing body fat. You must maintain a controlled diet always that comprise of less carbs and more lean protein.

Keep your total calorie intake at a minimum level that you need to build muscle, nothing more. You should perform enough cardio daily and keep up an active lifestyle.

Do high intensity interval training which is the best type of exercise to burn fat effectively. It will boost your metabolism and have you burning fat even long after you finish your workout.


This body type is very skinny, and have thin arms, narrow shoulders and a small waist. The ectomorph will have a difficult time gaining muscle mass because they have a fast metabolism rate resulting in quick expenditure of consumed calories.

The Best Approach If You Are An Ectomorph 

If you are an ectomorph you should take measures to make sure you are consuming enough calories above what your metabolism would normally burn out.

Complex carbohydrates,  protein and healthy fats should make up your diet.

Limit cardio to 10-15 mins a workout, and though this may sound contrary to fitness, reduce high levels of physical activities in your life during your muscle building program. This is necessary so that you burn less calories and have some left to build muscle.

It's also important to make sure that your weight training is based on lifting heavy, proper form and consistency in stressing the muscle. Also, make sure to give the muscle sufficient time for rest and recovery.


Mesomorphs have an athletic shape and are naturally muscular - possessing strong strong arms, large chest, broad shoulders and small waist. This body type is ideal for the lean and muscular body because they can gain muscle easily and do not have much problems staying lean.

The Best Approach If You Are A Mesomorph

As a mesomorph you should not have major problems gaining muscle and staying lean. However, you need to stick with a program that will always create the right outcome.

You diet should consist of the right nutrients and you must avoid bulking up with loads of calories. You want to make sure that you don't ruin your lean and muscular build by unnecessarily bulking up with excess calories.

You must also avoid neglecting sufficient calorie intake by eating too little calories. Train with balance when you are weight training by paying attention to the 2 different muscle growths to get the right look for your muscles and a proportional physique.

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