Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How To Turn Your Toned Abs Into Shredded Abs

Getting toned abs is really about getting your body fat level down to a low percentage. Getting down to a low body fat level doesn't involve special tricks at all. There are different methods to achieve this that work. To be honest, for a person to get toned abs they just basically need to be self-disciplined. Let us go through the basics.

Here's A Proven Strategy to Getting Toned Abs

The more body fat you have to lose to get down to a low body fat level, the easier it'll be to drop body fat. Take for instance, if a person needs to lose let's say 100 lbs of fat, it'll be a breeze burning off their first 20 lbs, if a person needs to lose just 25 lbs to get lean, they will have a much harder time dropping 20 lbs.

The closer you come to getting lean the harder you are going to have to work to reach that goal. For that reason you'll need to increase the intensity level of your exercise to continue making progress. The closer you get to your goal the more intense your exercise should get.

Amazing Tip on How to Go From Toned Abs to Shredded Abs

I have never heard anyone talk about this. In order to get really shredded abs, you basically need to keep your body fat low for a long period of time.

This is because it takes a while for your loose skin to tighten up and "fill in the grooves" in your abs. If you work on maintaining a reasonably low body fat percentage for over one year, I will guarantee you that you will love the way your abs look.

The Problem With "Bulking Up"

Lots of trainers recommend to people that they should eat excess calories during the winter and lift heavy to gain muscle. Then in the summer it is recommended that you hit cardio hard and burn off all that fat to get ripped.

The problem with this approach is that your skin never has the time to really tighten up around your muscles.

If you stay lean year round, you will eventually have better muscle definition than just about everyone in your gym. The nice thing about staying lean year round is that you look good all year, not just part of the time.

To Sum It Up - Work Your Way to A Low Body Fat Level and Keep it Low for 12 Months or More. This Is Your Ticket To Shredded Abs.

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