Thursday, July 26, 2012

Getting A Body To Attract Women - How To Get A Muscular Body That Women Will Find Attractive

A muscular body that has too much muscle mass creates an unattractive look. Although most personal trainers believe you should gain as much muscle as possible, this is not the best route if you're desiring to get an attractive body.

In order to attract women, the best approach is to focus on a lean muscular body that's well defined and not a bulky muscular one.

I Am About to Make a Large Group of Bodybuilders Angry.

Whether you believe it or not, having too much muscle mass will give you a cheesy look.

It's true, when women are polled they find too much muscle mass a major turnoff. It is hard to look "GQ" or "hip" when you have a large amount of muscle mass on your frame.

How are you going to look slick and stylish if you have so much muscle mass that you can't fit into a normal pair of pants or find shirt that fit you?

Women Prefer Men With Average Amounts of Muscle Mass, but With Exceptional Tone.

If you want a body that women find attractive then you will want to take a close look at men that women go crazy for. Here are a few examples:

1. Abercrombie Models
2. Calvin Klein Models
3. Soap Opera Stars
4. Actors (Jamie Foxx, Matthew Mcconaughey, Hugh Jackman, Brad Pitt, etc.)

All these men have one thing in common. They all have an average amount of muscle mass. They also keep their body fat levels low to show of great muscle tone. It's very easy to look hot in clothes with that body type.

You Can Easily End Up Looking Bulky If You Are Working Out To Impress Other Guys In Your Gym?

I know this sounds ridiculous, but I think this is a major reason that guys put on as much muscle mass as they can. Guys are competitive by nature, so they end up competing with each other in the gym as well.

The young guys see the older guy with huge arms, throwing around heavy weights and soon that becomes their role model. They go on a quest to gain as much muscle mass as possible, without realizing that it isn't an attractive look.

Don't Get Caught Up In the "Muscle Mass" Trap and You Will Attract More Women!

It is really easy to get sucked into the desire to gain as much muscle mass as possible. Huge guys get a lot of respect in the gym. You will see young guys looking up to the bigger guys in the gym.

However, women think that these big muscular guys look funny. You simply can't look cool and have a large amount of muscle mass at the same time. When you try to wear nice or hot clothes something looks a little out of place.

Separate Yourself From the Goofy Bodybuilders.

So your goal should be to maintain an average amount of muscle mass and burn off all that extra body fat. What you will need to do is spend much more time on cardio and less time with the weights.

Where do you think most of the attractive women in gyms hang out? Yep...the cardio section of the gym. It sounds like a win-win situation to go for the lean and muscular physique.

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