Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bulking Up Gives You More Body Fat

Bulking up refers to the common workout practice of gaining muscle fast by adding large amounts of extra calories into your diet.

Some people believe that you can gain more muscle mass quickly if you have extra calories lying around in your body.

The problem with this is, you may gain muscle mass true, but the bulking with excessive amounts of calories ends up making you gain noticeable amounts of fat as well.

Despite being a practice often used by bodybuilders, bulking up is not a good idea.

Fat Cells Are Not Your Friends

Although you can shrink fat cells, once you have them in your body they are with you forever. This is one of the really bad things about them.

You just can't lose them, no matter how hard you try. It is extremely frustrating. Now, there is an upside - you can get lean.

You just have to be very careful because it's easier to gain weight back if you have a large number of fat cells lurking around.

The Challenge to Stay Lean

Someone who is very obese can have up to three times the actual number of fat cells compared to someone who has been thin for all of their life.

An obese person has to work much harder to maintain a smaller size, because of the fat cells that they already have.

Fighting the fat cells either has to be a way of life or they will just keep storing that excess body fat. Someone without excess body fat can usually stay that way with much less effort.

Keep the Fat Away From the Start

The main reason that "bulking up" is a bad idea is that people are intentionally increasing their fat cells, often doing so rather quickly. Once they "bulk up," they are at risk for gaining weight again, even if they do become lean.

Many times you'll see bodybuilders gaining 40-50 pounds after a competition, just because they have those fat cells waiting to be filled again.

Staying lean and gaining muscle over time is a slower process, but maintaining it over the long haul is much easier to do.

Keep Working at Staying Lean

If you have been overweight in the past, you may have a harder time staying lean, but it is definitely not impossible.

You can make it easier to stay lean by following my recommendations, especially doing "cardio workouts on an empty stomach." This strategy alone will make a huge difference, especially for anyone who's previously been overweight.

It's important to keep those fat cells from expanding again. Put in the effort, and you will see the results!

Staying Lean in the First Place is Easiest!

Avoiding gaining the excess fat in the first place is the best way to stay lean.

Keeping yourself in a healthy range is not difficult with regular workouts and using strategies to stay lean.

Try your best to stay on top of the process, and you won't find yourself in the frustrating position of trying to lose excess body fat. It's much easier that way.

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