Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How To Build Just The Right Amount Of Muscle On Your Body To Look Attractive

Adding just the ideal amount of muscle mass to your body and not becoming overly muscular is a great way to get fit and strong while looking attractive.

If you're young and just starting out it will be easy to gain your first 10-20 pounds of muscle which is considered to be natural muscle that your body needs, and soon after that muscle gain may become harder.

When it becomes excessively difficult to put on additional muscle, this is when you should focus on strength and performance. 

After you put on that natural amount of muscle mass, from this point forward try to gain strength without getting bigger

By doing this you will refine those muscles and get the really sharp and defined look. You may also want to focus more on cardio as well. As time progress and you become stronger, you will start seeing more muscle tone.

Training To Increase Muscle Mass

When your aim is to train to increase muscle mass, you must train with heavy weights you have to keep your reps in the 6-12 range for the most part.

So to train for mass, you want to get stronger and more proficient in the 6-12 reps range. Reps below 6 is great for tone and muscle density, once you have achieved the level of muscle mass you desire.

Eating To Build Muscle

Eating a lot will help you gain muscle mass quickly but it's important to remember that you don't want to gain too much fat in the process.

The recommended calorie intake is 18 calories per pound of your bodyweight if you want to gain muscle mass without gaining excess fat.

The specific intake may vary according to your body type, but consider this to be the average. The idea is to keep adjusting your quantity of intake until you get it just right to build muscle without gaining excess fat.

The most important meal should be right after you workout. You want to get a quick digesting protein and carbohydrate source for nutrients into your body as quickly as possible after you workout.

Your muscles will absorb a lot more nutrients than normal during this period of time. This will really help ensure that your muscles recover quickly and help you during your upcoming workouts.

Avoid any form of fat during this post-workout meal as it will slow down the absorption of the nutrients into your bloodstream.

Apart from eating a large amount of quick digesting protein and carbs after your workout you also want to start your day off strong with a decent amount of calories and protein.

You will need to eat less calories and protein with other meals during the day. Also, ensure your blood sugar level is balanced throughout the day by eating fibrous and starchy carbs and healthy fats along with every meal.

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