Monday, November 28, 2011

How To Build Muscle Without Looking Huge And Bulky - Best Guidelines To Build Muscle To Look Attractive

It is no doubt, there are many men and women who want to build muscle, but don't want to their body to look huge and bulky.

This aim is especially necessary when your main goal for building muscle is to enhance the appearance of your body and get fitter without looking like a professional bodybuilder with massive bulky muscles all over your body.

Surely, a swollen overly muscular physique must be avoided if you want to wear normal clothes and be effective in all physical activities and sports that you want to partake in.

The following guidelines will help you learn how to avoid looking huge and bulky when building muscle, and instead get the lean athletic look like movie stars and models.

Concentrate On Gaining Muscle Where You Want It

Too much muscle mass in the wrong body parts can create a bulky look, even if you don't possess excessive amounts of muscle overall.  If you are in the gym and your only concern is to quickly gain lots of muscle mass by focusing only on the standard way of lifting for muscle gains, this may cause you to get a type of look you do not want..

By using the standard approach alone, what is likely to happen is that most of the muscle you put on will end up in undesired areas such as your legs, butt and hips. Muscles gained in this way will most likely create a bulky bodybuilder look instead of a lean, toned and aesthetic physique like models.

So even if the muscle you put on is quality muscle and it is not a massive amount, if it appears in the wrong places on your body it can make you look bulky.

You Can't Control What You Look Like By Just Sticking To The Basics

The common advice of just sticking to the big lifts like deadlifts, squats, and bench press is great if you just want to add muscle mass quickly. But if you want to make sure your body look spectacular, not bulky, you have to vary your training program to control where and how muscle grows on your body.

Using the big lifts is the quickest way to putting on lots of muscle mass. And honestly some guys do need to use them adequately to build up their body when there is need to increase muscle size. However, the problem lies in the fact that the appearance of your physique is left up to chance when you focus on these exercises ALONE.

Lots of guys who follow this approach end up looking like professional bodybuilders instead of lean and toned models. If this is not the results you want you have to include other training methods in your program that will allow to control where you add muscle and how muscle grow by balancing the 2 different muscle growths:  sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy and Myofibrillar Hypertrophy.

Bulking Up With Calories Just Puts More Excess Fat On Your Body And Will Make You Look Bulky

If you do not want to look swollen with excess bulk on your body, you should avoid bulking up when eating to build muscle.

Though you need to consume sufficient calories for body type to gain muscle mass, you should not consume more than you need. Excessive consumption of calories will give you more body fat to deal with. And it is not an easy task losing body fat. Some people bulk up with large amounts of food to gain muscle faster, but a lot of them get stuck with too much fat stored on their body making their physique look bloated and bulky.

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